Wealth Management

Wealth Management Begins with Risk Management

Our focus, first and foremost, is on managing risk. Why? Because the “buy and hold” strategies that worked in the past have proven inadequate to 21st Century challenges:

  • From 2000-02 the S&P declined 47%; the NASDAQ declined 78%.
  • From 2007-09 the S&P declined 56%.

The Fallout: A Lost Decade and More….

For a buy and hold investor it took almost 13 years, from March 2000-January 2013, just to recover what they had lost in these downturns. They would have seriously depleted their portfolio had they taken money out for retirement or emergencies.

Can You Afford to Proceed with Business as Usual?

Can you afford to lose another 50-60% of your nest

When there is an occasion when a client needs go beyond the scope of our firm we have developed relationships with legal & accounting firms along with other companies that may help to solve a client’s special situation.

Our Answer: Low Risk, Low Volatility Investment Platforms

To answer these concerns, Vested Secured Wealth has affiliated with a registered investment advisor (RIA) founded by multi-decade veteran advisor Drew Horter. Since the Great Recession of 2007, the RIA’s assets under management have grown from $50 million to over $1 billion. Joe Maas Info?

The Key Ingredient: Tactical Management

Clearly they didn’t achieve such results with a buy and hold or asset allocation strategy. Instead, they all relied on their proprietary, tactically managed trading platforms to help guide their investment decisions: when to be in the market, when to go “risk off” to cash, and even when to hedge and possibly make money when markets were declining.

The Lost Decade Revisited: How We Measure Up

The RIA we work with has a track record to show you how their managers performed- in both stock and bond funds- over full market cycles, and how much better the results can be with proven, tactical management.(1)

Did you share in any part of that “lost decade” we outlined above? Would you like to compare the results of the portfolio managers of the RIA we work with to your own? We invite you to do so. Even if you’ve been working with a trusted advisor, isn’t it prudent to get a second opinion? In these times and these markets, can you afford not to?

If you have any questions about the content on this site or if you want to discuss how we can help you protect and grow your wealth, please email us at hello@vestedsecuredwealth.com or call us at 203-594-8108. To sign up for a free consultation or to just get more information click here.

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