Qualified Retirement Plans

Qualified Retirement Plans

401(k) Plans

401(k) Plans If the following comment from your CPA sounds familiar to you, then your CPA is similar to most clients we talk with: “Put money in your 401(k)/Profit Sharing … Continue reading

Defined Benefit Plans

Defined Benefit Plans Use Them for Large Tax-Deductible Contributions Most people think of Defined Benefit Plans as old-school plans that no one uses anymore. Because of a relatively recent tax … Continue reading

Profit Sharing Plans

Profit Sharing Plans The bread and butter income tax deferral tool for many small business owners is the profit sharing plan. A Profit Sharing Plan is a qualified retirement plan … Continue reading

Roth 401(k) Plans

Roth 401(k) Plans A new retirement account was signed into law on August 17, 2006. It is a component of a “regular” 401(k) Plan; however, the funding of a “Roth” … Continue reading

Roth IRA Conversions

Roth IRA Conversions─Do They Make Sense? The Answer Will Shock You! If you would like to know if a Roth IRA conversion makes sense for your individual situation, please click … Continue reading

401(h) Plans

401(h) Plans Tax Deductible, Tax Sheltered, and Tax Free Payouts What is a 401(h) Plan? It’s a medical expense account under Code Section 401(h). The plan pays for costs associated with sickness, accident, … Continue reading

412(e)3 Defined Benefit Plans

412(e)3 Defined Benefit Plans A New Twist On An Old Friend A 412(e)3 Plan is a special type of Defined Benefit Plan. This plan works almost exactly the same way … Continue reading

Cash Balance Plans

Cash Balance Plans Cash Balance Plans (CBPs) are a special kind of Defined Benefit Plan. In short, you get all the benefits of a Defined Benefit Plan or 412(e)3 Defined Benefit Plan, except … Continue reading

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